Presenting you a great new GUI script for Roblox Raise A Floppa 2, which has a lot of features, and to date, he has no equal. Of the functions should be noted: Auto Collect Money, Auto Feed Floppa, Auto Click Floppa, Auto Raise Rent, Auto Collect Rent, Auto Collect Milk and many others, if you are a player Raise A Floppa 2 you must try all the functions of this script, they work great. Another plus of the script that it does not require activation key, thanks to the author of RIP#666 for that. Use this script from our website for free.<\/p>\n
_G.RedGUI = false _G.Theme = \"Dark\" -- Must disable or remove _G.RedGUI to use --Themes: Light, Dark, Mocha, Aqua and Jester loadstring(game:HttpGet(\"https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/CasperFlyModz\/discord.gg-rips\/main\/raiseafloppa2.lua\"))()<\/code><\/pre>\n
Free Download Raise A Floppa 2 Script GUI – Auto Collect Money, Auto Click & More<\/h3>\n
Copy the link to proceed to the file download <\/p>\n
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