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Stop wishful thinking! Do more to live a long life!

In the words of Thomas à Kempis, “It is futile to wish for a long life and then to give so little care to living well.” We all yearn for a long and healthy life, and we have to do what it takes to have it and enjoy it to the fullest. This means making small changes like eating fruits and vegetables, exercising, adopting good sleeping habits, and practising stress-reducing techniques like meditation.

Ultimately, it’s our choice to prioritise our well-being. As the popular saying goes “Your life is in your hands”. In the lifestyle section of this Unity Bank digest, we highlight some science-backed tips, sure to help you achieve the goal of a healthy life.

Fuel subsidy removal: A new sheriff is in town!

On his first day as president, Bola Tinubu, during his inaugural speech, said “fuel subsidy is gone”. While this is good for the FG revenue, the announcement sent waves of panic across Nigeria. Marketers began hoarding, creating artificial scarcity, and queues leading to traffic congestion followed. The result? A 224% spike in PMS price to ₦600/litre from ₦185/litre.

Reforms come with pushback; it’s normal. However, before ripping the band-aid off, social safety nets should have been in place to cushion the inflationary impact and avert the explosion of a cost of living crisis for Nigerians.

In this edition of the Unity Bank Digest, we analyse these issues and more, providing you with a healthy dose of economic, lifestyle, and entertainment stories.

Please enjoy your read!