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All roads lead to home, not Rome

In a world where the allure of Rome seems elusive due to soaring ticket prices, the embrace of home has become just as enticing. Many workers now even prefer to work from home which offers comfort and the liberating flexibility of pajamas-as-office attire. However, navigating the temptation of a fully stocked fridge and the siren call of Netflix can challenge even the most disciplined worker. As entrepreneur Paul J. Meyer wisely stated, “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” In this Unity Bank digest’s lifestyle section, we present six effective strategies to maximize productivity while working from home.

Empty pockets, empty plates, empty bellies

Nigeria has long grappled with food insecurity, leading to steep increases in food prices over time. According to the global food security index by the Economist in 2022, Nigeria ranked 107th among 113 countries, with problems on food availability and affordability standing out. However, on the bright side, the private sector PMI reading expanded by 3.4% to a 13-month high in January 2024 from December 2022. This underscores the resilience of businesses amid macroeconomic headwinds. Positive business expectations and S&P’s stable outlook for the Nigerian economy may positively impact economic growth and overall development.

This edition of the Unity Bank Digest provides a comprehensive analysis of these economic trends and engaging lifestyle and entertainment stories for your reading pleasure.

Enjoy your read!