The naira has gained 16.85% since February 20th and is now at a 6-month high of N445/$. Is this trend sustainable? Should you convert your portfolio into dollars now that it is available? Or should you wait?

The Monetary Policy Committee is scheduled to meet today and tomorrow. With declining inflation, improving real GDP growth rate, currency appreciation, and increased oil production, the economic picture is significantly brighter than it was during January’s meeting.

We expect the committee to maintain the status quo, while they monitor the inflation trajectory and the full impact of the CBN’s recent interventions in the forex market.

Meanwhile, from newsrooms to the dinner table, everyone seems to be talking about the potential danger of ingesting Vitamin C with certain carbonated drinks.   According to reports, these ‘not-so-soft’ drinks contain high levels of Benzoic acid, a preservative, which is also a carcinogen.

In addition to the macro-economic and business analysis, this edition of the Unity Bank Digest features a piece on what you need to know about Benzoic. As we are all aware, knowledge is health, so do enjoy your read!