The average 21st century person spends at least 7 hours a day looking at a screen. This ranges from television, to computers and mobile phones. Some say that basic etiquette has taken a hit. As if that is not enough, we see people coughing into their hands, pointing at others and turning up late for appointments and meetings. These etiquette slips are now becoming endemic.

In this issue of the Unity Bank Digest, we discuss business and social decorum. Essentially, when in doubt, follow the golden rule, “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” The lifestyle section highlights simple but fundamental etiquette tips for most occasions.

Meanwhile, the Nigerian economy reported its 5th consecutive quarter of negative growth, and the naira has appreciated 2.5% in the last two weeks. This confirms our view that economic recovery will be slow and painful.

This edition contains analyses of recent economic developments and social news like Billboard awards, the latest in the luxury fashion industry and (yet another) Uber lawsuit.