Dear Subscriber,

Welcome to our Independence Day Edition of the Relaxnomiks!

As the bright and breezy days and warm nights of summer come to an end, so does the time spent outdoors playing with friends and going on fun holiday trips. With each passing week, parents, children, college students and the working class slowly adjust back to their normal day-to-day activities.

Nigeria will mark her 57th year of Independence from British rule on October 1st 2017. This is typically a day of patriotism and everyone is mostly nostalgic. In New York, Nigeria’s Independence Day has been celebrated since 1991, having the largest turn out compared to other African countries in the United States.

In this edition, we have a variety of articles ranging from the latest Iphone X to how to be comfortable on a long haul flight and much more. As we approach the Independence holiday, find attached this reading package for your pleasure.

Kindly enjoy your read!