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LinkedIn, the world’s largest online professional network, has over 400 million members. The network is known for connecting job seekers and recruiters. It can also be used to deepen your network across diverse sectors and locations. Remember, your network is your net worth!

The lifestyle section of this Digest offers tips on how to update your LinkedIn profile in today’s lightning speed world.

The World Bank has cut its forecast for Nigeria’s 2018 GDP growth to 1.9% because of lower oil production and a contraction in agricultural output. In spite of the rise in GDP growth rate of 1.1% to 1.9%, it is still lower than the population growth of 2.6%. This implies that income per capita is going to fall in 2018/19, leading to a more combative industrial relations atmosphere.

The NLC has already threatened to resume a nationwide strike on November 6. We believe that in the end, the minimum wage issue will be amicably resolved. However, we advise our readers to plan on how to invest the income windfall resulting from a possible backdated settlement date. Unity Bank offers multiple wealth enhancing products for the growth and management of your assets.

This edition of the Unity Bank Digest contains a blend of social and business topics for your information and pleasure. Look out for the scoop on the world’s longest flight, Burger King’s plan to expand its African footprint and forecasts of International bodies, IMF and World Bank, on Nigeria’s growth prospects.

Enjoy your read!