Dear Subscriber,

‘If you want to hide something from a Nigerian, put it in a book’.

The culture of curiosity, which has produced the likes of Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg etc., was through innovation, reading and expression of self. This is against the Nigerian practice of studying, cramming and regurgitating for exams.

The long hours at work and the traffic in urban Nigeria makes it hard to settle down and read a book. However, there are many benefits to reading widely, which include, mental stimulation and stress relief. Look out for tips in the Lifestyle Section of this Digest on how to make time to read in spite of the hustle and bustle of Nigeria.

On the economy, the Monetary Policy Committee took analysts by surprise when it cut its benchmark interest rate to 13.5% pa. The move was intended as a signal for markets and economic agents. However, the rate cut will have a muted impact on growth and asset prices without an adjustment to its aggressive intention in the Open Market Securities market.

This edition of the Unity Bank Digest provides the usual interesting mix of business and social news. Look out for the breakdown of the MPC’s decision to cut interest rate, the unveiling of Apple’s new streaming services and the scoop of the happiest countries in the world (can you guess Nigeria’s rank?).

It promises to be a good read.
