LBS EXECUTIVE BREAKFAST SESSION – MAY 2019 (Re: 2019 – The New Agenda: Continuity or Change?)

Dear Subscriber,

As the first term of the current administration winds down, investors and analysts are having mixed views on the shape of the economy in the next four years. Some are optimistic about a possible fundamental change in structure and direction, whilst others are of the view that it will be TOKEN continuity without any change in substance. But as they say, the sweetness of the pudding is in the eating. In a few weeks, the new team or (the old wine in new bottles) will be announced.

The interesting thing though, is that whether it be a new or a refurbished team, the Nigerian macroeconomic problems will persist. This will be more so if there are no fundamental adjustments to the way government, business and policymaking is conducted.

Revenue swings will continue to mask the management inadequacies, both structural and cultural, of a bloated and rent seeking bureaucracy.

The adoption of an investment led strategy by the government that will increase aggregate investment from 14% of GDP to 25%-30% in the next 2-4 years, is the only way to get growth past the 6% threshold in the near term.

In this edition of the LBS Breakfast Session, Bismarck Rewane and the FDC Think Tank address these economic and political issues and their impact on your business, portfolio and strategy.

Please direct any questions, queries or comments to the undersigned.