FDC ECONOMIC BULLETIN – MAY 20, 2019 (Re: GDP growth slows to 2.01% in Q1’19)

Dear Subscriber,

Nigeria’s real GDP growth slowed by 0.37% to 2.01% in Q1’19. This was partly due to seasonality and a fall in consumer disposable income in January.

Nigeria needs to achieve a growth rate of 3-4% to absorb its fast growing population rate (2.7%). It can only accomplish https://bes.org/valium-online/ this feat by a major fiscal stimulus and a surge in aggregate investment especially gross capital formation. The fiscal catalyst will need to be supported by pro-cyclical monetary policy and equilibrium pricing of factors of production.

In the attached bulletin, the FDC Think-Tank analysis the GDP numbers for Q1 and its implications.

Do enjoy your read…