LBS EXECUTIVE BREAKFAST SESSION – JULY 2019 (Re: Nigeria and the Excess Supply of Intellectual Dishonesty)

Dear Subscriber,

As President Buhari ponders on the selection of the “A” TEAM for his second term, the struggle to get the plum jobs has become a do or die affair.

More important to note, is that the clouds are quietly gathering ahead of a possible political storm. The warlords and Godfathers are ready to do battle just in case their protégés are left out in the sharing of the political spoils.

Meanwhile the economy is gradually but slowly recovering with minimal impact on the quality of life of the people. The national minimum wage is yet to be implemented and the spectre of arrears stoking price inflation could become a macro-economic nightmare. Inflation in the month of May was marginally higher at 11.4% whilst gross external reserves slipped to $45.02bn

The willingness to now sign the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) is a major step in the right direction, showing Buhari is becoming more reform oriented. The effect of a possible new team or more likely (a return of 70% of the old ministers) to the cabinet is among the issues that are unpacked by Bismarck Rewane and the FDC Think Tank at the LBS July breakfast session in this edition titled Nigeria and the excess supply of intellectual dishonesty.

Enjoy your read!