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Adulting 101: Confidence is key!

If you are Gen-Z or a late year millennial…welcome to Adulting 101! The first topic in our series is CONFIDENCE! Not many of us received the adulthood memo or had a guardian angel to tell us what to expect and/or how to go through this process. It is almost as if we knew a lot and then we know nothing. Nonetheless, we are here now and we have to succeed even if it means…faking it until you make it!  Whether you work a 9-5, you’re a creative (Instagram influencer, fashion designer, artist), or you’re job hunting….confidence should be a daily dose! As Blake Lively said, “The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence”…and we all play dress up!

In the lifestyle section of this digest, we take you through some simple steps to boost your confidence.

PPPRA flying the PMS kite, preparing Nigerians for the obvious & inevitable

Like a forerunner, the PPPRA supposedly, mistakenly and conveniently uploaded a new pricing template, which shows a further increase in the price of PMS within a band of N209.61 – N212.61 per litre. In the template, the review was based on an exchange rate of N403.8/$ and the ex-depot price was N206.42/litre with a landing cost of N189.61/litre. The increase in PMS price has become inevitable, as the global price of oil increased by 57.41% to $68pb from the average of $43.2pb in 2020. This coupled with the increase in food prices and the electricity tariff hike would push inflation above 17% in the coming months. Consumer disposable income is underwater and there is the high risk of widespread protest as people could push back on these reforms.

OECD revises 2021 global GDP growth forecast to 5.6% from 4.2%

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a multilateral organization, revised its 2021 global growth forecast to 5.6% from the previous projection of 4.2%. The OECD says that the global economy could return to pre-pandemic levels by mid-2021 if the production and distribution of vaccines overtake infection rates. However, Africa might lag behind, as about 60% would reject the covid-19 vaccines. This is because they doubt its safety according to the latest results of the Africa CDC covid-19 perception survey.

A faster recovery in the global economy would boost trade activities and possibly push up Nigeria’s export earnings and external reserves. Nigeria’s share of world exports is 0.24%. A boost to reserves would improve the CBN’s ability to support the naira and strengthen the government’s buffers.

This edition of the Unity bank digest provides you with a cocktail of interesting economic highlights and entertainment news.

Enjoy your read!