LBS EXECUTIVE BREAKFAST SESSION – JUNE 2017 (Re: Recovery slow, steady but painful)

As economic growth slowly recovers towards the positive quadrant, political risks in Nigeria are becoming more elevated. Imponderables, unknown variables and the unexpected are becoming more potent and could undermine the economic gains. The institutions for conflict resolution remain weak, divided and above all, lack credibility.

The good news however, is that the economic momentum is enhanced by the repairs to the Forcados and near completion of Escravos pipelines. Combined, these two could add approximately 400,000 barrels of oil exports per day. It will lend further support to a naira which is becoming more vulnerable to a 10% drop in the price of oil to $48pb.

The attached presentation by Bismarck Rewane and the FDC Think Tank is a dispassionate analysis of the mid-term macroeconomic performance of the current administration and an economic outlook for Q3 2017.

Enjoy your read….