Dear Subscriber,
Remote work is not all glitters and gold
The world tasted work-from-home during the Covid-19 pandemic and is enjoying every bit. Several companies have ditched physical office spaces to a remote/hybrid working style. In spite of the joy that comes with working from home, there are some cons for which companies and employees need to be wary. For example, remote work helps with reducing stress levels associated with commuting to work daily. But there is also a high probability of falling productivity from an employee who fails to establish a perfect work-life balance. In one of the stories in this edition, we present you with some warning signs of a fully remote job. Remember, balance is key!
Is Lagos getting hotter or more humid?
We are in the rainy season but there are still many moments of sunshine that remind us that we are in Lagos-the EIU’s most unliveable city in the world. Female or male, remote worker or not, the heat in Lagos will still humble you. Although Lagosians seem to be navigating this heat well, we have painstakingly provided some tips to help you protect yourself from the scorching sun. If you are a frequent wedding guest, especially the aso-ebi crew that likes to show up and stand out, this story is for you. –
Say no to fad diets!
A balanced diet is key to survival. Right now, no one needs to tell you any more about the importance of eating clean and healthy. But don’t be too restrictive with your diet, you risk falling ill. So, if you intend to get your body in shape for the summer, we’ve provided you with some intricate details to make this happen in a healthy and happy manner. You don’t want to miss it.
We hope you enjoy this healthy dose of interesting reads.
Have fun this summer!