RELAXNOMIKS – OCTOBER 31, 2022 (Re: Relaxnomiks – Trick or Treat)

Dear Subscriber,

It’s Halloween! Get your scariest outfit!

Before you say anything, we know Halloween is not a Nigerian holiday. However, we believe it could be if we make it Nigerian enough. So, in this latest edition of the FDC Relaxnomiks, we are proposing a Nigerian Halloween filled with the very best of our culture, food, fashion, music, and movies.

Halloween or not, spend wisely!

Halloween could burn a hole in your pocket if you go overboard. Take a look at what it takes to be Halloweeny-costumes, décor, food, and even logistics. We know you already feel the pinch of price increases of both food and non-food items and we don’t want you to break the bank just to have a little fun. But you need to have fun, it’s one quick fix for good health. That’s why we have graciously written about timeless tips to shop smart this Halloween and beyond.

Ill health = Zero fun

Health is wealth! And we cannot emphasize that enough. It’s a healthy person that can work, go to parties, have fun, spend time with family, and essentially enjoy life. You have to prioritize your health and one way to do that is by taking breakfast. It should be simple and balanced, not omitted. Asides from eating your most important meal of the day, ensure to take care of your mental state. If you need to see a therapist or just talk, please do it. One last thing, exercise. Your fitness journey is all about you. There’s no pressure to go to the gym, a walk up your street will do fine. Like Nike says, just do it!

We have a perfect cocktail of inspiring and entertaining stories in this edition of the FDC Relaxnomiks. From food and recipes to things you shouldn’t share, to book and movie recommendations. It’s a promising read, you don’t want to miss!

Happy Halloween and see you at Christmas!

Enjoy your read.