The More Things Change, the More they Remain the Same

Dear Subscriber,

The new ministers have responded in different ways to their postings. Some euphoric and dancing whilst others are more introspective and reflective. But as they say different strokes for different folks. We are of the view, that it will be presumptuous, to start speculating about the likely effectiveness of any or all of the ministers, as they need time to settle down to their daunting tasks.

The biggest problem, is that Nigerians have run out of patience and are not interested in stories about the past and what was inherited. They want RESULTS NOW.

In the slides, Bismarck Rewane tries to put some strategic perspective into what is becoming a crisis of false expectations by Nigerians of what they hope to get from the Next Level or Dream Team (2019-2023) as they all wait for prosperity as against the hardship of today.

Do enjoy your read…