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Speak out, speak loud, speak proud!

Ever felt the jitters before speaking at a meeting or forum? You are not alone. Whether you identify as an introvert or an extrovert, the challenge of public speaking can be equally nerve-racking. But fear not, for there are steps to ensure your message is not only heard but resonates deeply with your audience. In the fast-paced world of today, effective communication is not just an asset but a necessity. Nelson Mandela, one of the most notable public speakers, once said, “The greatest weapon in the world is still the human voice.” With little effort, you too can overcome your fears and get your butterflies to fly in formation. In this Unity Bank digest’s lifestyle section, we delve into practical tips to optimize your vocal prowess during work meetings or public gatherings.

Budget 2024- Hope is not a strategy, but hard work pays

As Nigeria gears up for fiscal year 2024, the national budget is of tremendous importance as a tool of economic management. It is not just a plan of spending but a lens through which analysts view a country’s fiscal consolidation. With a proposed expenditure of N27.5 trillion in 2024, the budget seeks to tackle critical infrastructure issues, stimulate economic growth, and enhance human capital development.

Notably, the budget deficit is projected to shrink to N9.18 trillion in 2024 (3.88% of GDP), a significant 33.38% reduction from the N13.78 trillion deficit in 2023 (6.11% of GDP). A lower budget deficit will reduce government spending, lower interest rates, and improve the standard of living for consumers. However, sound economic policies will be paramount to ensuring that the budget’s promise is realized.

In this edition of the Unity Bank Digest, we analyze these economic issues, including lifestyle and entertainment stories, for your reading pleasure.

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