Dear Unity Bank Customer,

Lagos, a city with an estimated population of over 21 million people, urban congestion and traffic jams are unavoidable stencils. The probability of leaving home in a hurry and skipping a meal, in order to beat the gridlock, could have unintended health consequences.

According to studies, 80% of people change their eating habits in response to stress or grief. Efficient time management and proper monitoring of busy schedules could help reduce eating disorders (obesity, Bulimia Nervosa etc.) and improve overall health. The lifestyle section of this digest offers healthy eating tips for individuals with busy daily routines.  As they say, health is wealth and prevention is better than cure.

Meanwhile, the FBN PMI, which measures inventory levels and the manufacturing sector performance, contracted to a 16-month low of 49.2 from 51 in April. The trend is indicative of the high interest rate burden on SMEs and corporates as well as the low consumer confidence in the economy.

This edition of the Unity Bank Digest covers the Billboard Awards 2018 and the Fitch’s rating of Nigeria’s debt at B+ and outlook.

Enjoy your read…..