Dear Subscriber,
Glossophobia– the perils of public speaking
No matter how high your position in an organization, the challenge of public speaking or making a presentation will always prove to be a nervous moment. Suppose you were called to make a presentation to an audience of over 200 people next week, what would be your initial reaction? Would you have butterflies in your stomach or sweaty palms? The quick fix to this, is proper preparation ahead of the event, including understanding the audience and providing them the necessary information to hold their interest.
The Lifestyle Section of this Digest provides other tips to help you overcome any trait of glossophobia.
On the economy, GDP numbers released this week were not so good but it could have been worse. The good news is that the real estate sector recorded a positive growth rate (0.93%) after 12 consecutive quarters of contraction. One of the fastest growing sectors is agriculture (3.17%), which is a strong constituency of Unity Bank & its numerous customers (single digit interest loans).
This issue contains a wide array of topics and detailed analysis ranging from the outcome of the MPC meeting, Q1’19 GDP, inflation and how it affects you as a consumer, business owner or investor. Also, look out for social news such as the MET gala and the arrival of the royal baby.
It promises to be a good read.