Meet the Pioneer CEO – Edo State Tourism Agency

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Edo State the quintessential Nation State has an economy approximately the size as that of Rwanda ($11.07bn).

Ruchir Sharma, the famous business thinker and economist, distinguished Breakout Nations as those who do not rest on their laurels, and leverage on their sources of comparative advantage as they take a distinctive leap into stratospheric growth.

The establishment of a tourism agency with the governance structure of a corporate entity in Edo State, is a departure from the bureaucratic setting of most state governments in Nigeria. This step was complemented by the appointment of a CEO with a private sector orientation and a passion for creativity and strategy execution.

Today, we unveil the Tourism Agency and its new CEO Obehi Aire, a woman who is passionate about making Edo State the preferred destination of tourists in West Africa. She hopes to do this by focusing on creativity, art, folklores and the history of its people. As Nigeria takes bold steps to keep its economic house in order, this next generation of impactful leaders are poised to make a difference.

Enjoy your read…….